stimulates the nervous and immune system. Increases general stamina and
strength. Useful for conditions such as angina, hypertension,
hypotension, various types of neurosis. Increase the body’s resistance
to stress and infections. May increase your ability to cope with stress
and work or exams. Used to raise lowered blood pressure to a normal
level. May assist with weakness and exhaustion. May act as an
aphrodisiac. Can be beneficial in the treatment of irregular hormonal
secretion. Protects against the effects of radiation exposure. May lower
blood sugars. May be beneficial in the treatment of exhaustion,
irritability, insomnia, and mild depression.
Directions to use:
Decoction: 1 - 2 teaspoons in 1 cup of water boil for 10min. Drink three times per day.
Safety precautions:
Do not use
if pregnant or lactating. May interfere with cardiac medication and
hypoglycemic agents. Consult with a medical practitioner before use.