is an immune booster, diabetes, heart tonic, anaemia. Increases white
blood cell count, anti-cancer properties. Acts as a tonic to protect he
immune system. Aids adrenal gland function and digestion. Increases
metabolism, produces spontaneous sweating, promotes healing, and
provides energy to combat fatigue and prolonged stress. Increase
Decoction: 2 - 4 teaspoons of root in 1 cup of water. Bring to a boil simmer for 10 – 15min. Drink three times per day.
Powder: 500mg – two to three times per day.
Powder is mildly sweet and may be sprinkled on food or whipped into a shake or smoothie.
Safety precautions:
Not for people using immune suppressive medication. Do not use if fever is present, an effect on anticoagulant medication.